There virtually isn’t any part of our own life that the world and the enemy of God enemy hasn’t effected, fought over, maimed, stolen, or tried to kill, ruin, and destroy.
We would like to think that we’re born into God’s world and that we’re safe, but really the world that we’re born into is God’s world that has been touched and trampled by the enemy of God and the enemy’s minions. The enemy takes God’s good gifts and twists them into all sorts of lies, ugliness, and counterfeits.
Our job is to come to know the Creator, King, and blessing-giver, to know and understand His plans and to invite Him in to every area of our lives. It is then – and I’ve seen this firsthand – that God has brings life, resurrection, and blessings to our lives. God brings life, resurrection, and blessings to the areas that the enemy and the world has staked a claim on. God wins (and has won) the victory back for us.
God is the only one able to spin the straw, hay, and stubble of our lives into gold. Surely the God that makes common carbon into valuable diamonds, grubby caterpillars into graceful butterflies, gritty sand into lustrous pearls, humble seeds into magnificent Sequoia’s – He is able to take the the train-wreck of our lives and make it into something beautiful.
He took a Savior who was dead on the cross and then three days in the grave – ALIVE. He took a small boy’s lunch of fish and bread and made it into and all-you-could-eat feast for thousands with take-home leftovers. He took broken sin-marred lives and made them WHOLE. He took blind eyes and HEALED them. Oh that we may have the courage to trust that God wants to do a miracle in our own life. It’s easy to see it in the life of someone else – but oh so hard to say, I know God wants good things for me.
But – and this is an important but – we must invite God in. We must ask Him to take the broken area and heal it. We must ask for and accept His forgiveness.
Have you asked Him? Have you shared with Him that you need a miracle?
I have seen it in my life for a fact – God still does miracles. I have asked for His help, His touch, and even physical healing for myself and family members and He has graciously answered me each time.
After much praying for one relationship and asking in many different ways, but with limited relief, I shared this request with God, “Please God, I need a miracle.” He brought it to me as a miracle. I wonder about that. Did God want me to know it as a real miracle? Does He want me to pray more specifically – asking for exactly what I need and getting bolder in my asking? Does He want me to ask more often for things that seem improbable, but that with God are possible? (See Matthew 19:26.)
I want and need more of God – more of God’s healing, more of His blessing. Without His blessings my life is a dried up stalk. With His touch my life can be a fruitful and bountiful blessing-giver tree.
Praise God He is a life-resurrecter, a body-healer, a sin-forgiver, a blessing-giver, a seed-planter, a miracle-maker, a gentle Savior, and justice-reigner. May we seek His Kingdom and ways, that we too, might love and praise Him. May we ask God to reveal to us where we need to apply His principles and where we need His touch of grace.
Hooray for us – God has broken and shattered Satan’s curse. God has good plans for us (Jeremiah 29:11).
Hooray for God – He is powerful, good, and full of wonder.
Grace and peace be yours in abundance through the knowledge of God and of Jesus our Lord. –2 Peter 1:2 NIV
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