Sure. We like to think of ourselves as wonderful, generous givers! But the question is – how good are we at receiving? Giving is only half of the story.
Are we able to receive gifts and help from others? Do we receive with enjoyment and thanks? Do we receive graciously?
I have a loved one who through the years has given much to me and been a great help. She has babysat our boys, brought meals, and cleaned my kitchen. She would not just feed and love our dog while we were on vacation, she would nap at our house – with the dog next to her – just to give the dog extra loving time.
But now, in times of need herself, she struggles to ask for help and then to receive it.
I want to help her. I love to help her. I love it when she calls me – it makes me feel special and needed.
But when she asks for help she is so apologetic. I go to the store to get some ointment that she needs and I pick up all sorts of extra remedies that I think might help her feel better. I’m excited as I come in the door, bringing in my bag of goodies. I can’t wait to spill them out on the table and share them with her. I’m hoping to see her smile because of my gifts.
But it bothers her that I have gone to so much trouble. She apologies for bothering me – saying she knew I might do that, but hoping I wouldn’t.
I remind her how much she has helped me through the years. And I remind her that if I was in need of help, she would love to be there for me. And she is surprised, because she had forgotten that.
Oh God, help me to remember this. Help me to be not just a good giver, but a joyful receiver. Help me God – to ENJOY people’s gifts and what they do for me. I want to remember that they too, want to help. It makes them feel good. Let me not take away their joy in giving.
And I remember too, that in God’s eyes, we are all receivers. God graciously extends His powerful valuable forgiveness and grace – which He desires for us to accept and to receive, freely. For truly we are in need. Our souls are sick and we are in need of His remedy, which includes the salve of His Spirit. We are in need of His tender care.
We are paupers and He is the King. We are His children in need of much. He is our Father who loves us dearly. He desires that we joyfully, appreciatively accept His gifts – all of them that He lavishly pours out to us daily.
He joyfully and fully gives. We are to joyfully and fully receive.
Oh God, help me to not just give, but to be humble and accepting of your gifts. I want to enjoy them.
Help me to not just give to others, but to be humble and accepting of their grace and gifts to me.
Help me to enjoy always – the giver and the gifts.
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