Encouraging Ideas for Growing with God and Faith
Do you wish that you had more faith and sensed God more? Not only is it more than possible, God desires this for you. He wants you to know Him, and to experience Him, personally.
God’s Word tells us that real life—life that truly counts and becomes abundant, eternal life—is about knowing Him and Jesus, whom He sent to us (John 17:3).
This means that spiritual life is not simply hearing and acquiring spiritual truth secondhand from others. We need to do more than simply read spiritual books and listen to sermons. We must learn by doing. We must try and experiment. Even if our first our first attempts don’t look or feel like much, it’s part of the growth process.
When someone is learning to play an instrument, the first sounds aren’t usually melodious. When someone learns to paint, the first tries aren’t masterpieces. When someone learns to work with clay, the initial attempts are somewhat misshapen.
But the person who wants to be a musician, artist, or sculptor doesn’t quit. They keep trying and growing.
Spiritual practices, at first, can seem daunting and feel unnatural. When we first pray or read the Bible, we may feel uncomfortable, and self-conscious. That’s okay. God is cheering us on.
Read His Word. Pray. Talk to God and listen. Be quiet and listen for Him to speak. These activities open doors and windows, which allow us to experience God and His goodness more. Slowly, we will grow in these practices, in knowing God more, and in faith.
If we tend our seed of faith carefully, and keep seeking God, and keep following Him, our faith will grow and produce sweet fruit.
We must be patient.
For more ideas check out our article, Encouraging Ideas for Growing with God and Faith, located in our resources. (And don’t forget to sign up to receive our posts by email.)
The posting of this article, Encouraging Ideas for Growing with God and Faith is a milestone! All of the resources mentioned on the last page of Dale’s book, Conspiracy of Grace, are now available:
Encouraging Ideas for Growing with God and Faith
Healthy and Unhealthy Family Patterns
How Grace & Truth Together Bring Healing (a True Story)
12 Step and Counseling Resources
Besides continuing to work diligently on my writing to-do list, I’m learning to enjoy my big and small victories. This is a victory! Yay for me!
Yay for you, too, when you check out the article to help you grow in faith, and yay for you as you practice spiritual habits!
May you and I both grow in patient persistence and in knowing God more.
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